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Nighttime Snacks That Actually Make You Sleepy


Are you a late night snacker? If so, then you know very well that what you eat before bed matters! Too much sugar can make it a rough night in bed tossing and turning, whilst something too spicy before bed may cause nightmares. But what if I told you that there is a nighttime snack that actually makes you sleepy, and no, it's not chamomile tea with biscuits, it's much better.

Studies show half of Americans have a tough time falling asleep. The American Psychological Association reports a surge in sleep disorders since the pandemic, with 2 in 3 Americans sleeping too much or too little. Food manufacturers have taken notice and kept an eye on the global sleep aids market.

Enter: sleep friendly nighttime snacks, such as chocolate, cereal, ice cream, drinks, and more. While some say that snacking before bed isn't all that good for you, increasing the likelihood of sleep disruptions, manufacturers are developing marketing products that promote sleep health.

Image Source: Nightfood Instagram

Nightfood was formulated by sleep and nutrition experts to bring delicious treats to consumers that won't kill your diet or wreck your sleep. Nightfood contains no sleep drugs, medications, artificial or sugar alcohol sweeteners.

“Humans are hardwired to store excess calories as it gets closer to bedtime. Cravings for calorie dense foods peak at night as does overall appetite. Willpower weakens. It’s a perfect storm, and it traps hundreds of millions of us every week,” said Sean Folkson, CEO of Minneapolis-based Nightfood. “The global food and beverage companies are well aware of all this, and I think they expect a massive category to develop around nighttime snacking, but they’re just not sure how or when.” via Fooddive

Image Source: Nightfood

Created to satisfy night cravings while making a better choice, Nightfood ice cream contains on average 70% less sugar, 70% fewer calories, and only 10% of the fat of traditional ice cream. Nightfood cookies contain 40% less sugar, 30% less fat, and 3x the prebiotic fiber and 4x the protein compared to traditional cookies.

In addition to being generally healthier than traditional snacks, Nightfood snacks contain ingredients and nutrients recommended by sleep experts specifically for nighttime snacking! For example, Nightfood ice cream contains more tryptophan, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, than traditional ice cream.

For all my fellow ice cream before bed lovers, Nightfood just might be the switch to make for better sleep!


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