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The $90K Spicy Snack: A Flamin’ Hot Cheeto That Looks Like Charizard


"Gotta catch ’em all." If you know, you know. And if you don’t? Well, you’re about to. The Pokémon craze has been going strong for nearly three decades, and collectors will go to extreme lengths to snag rare finds. But even in a world where a holographic Charizard card can sell for six figures, this one takes the (cheese) cake: On March 2, a Flamin’ Hot Cheeto shaped like Charizard sold for a jaw-dropping $87,840.

90K Cheetozard
90K Flamin' Hot Cheetozard Photo By: Goldin Auctions

Yes, you read that right. Almost 90 grand. For a single spicy, crunchy, dragon-esque snack.

Dubbed Cheetozard, this 3-inch, fire-breathing lookalike had been sitting in a safe for years—literally forgotten—until its owners, New Jersey-based 1st & Goal Collectibles, rediscovered it during a cleaning spree. They listed it on the online auction house Goldin on February 10, starting at just $250. What happened next? A bidding war erupted, racking up nearly 60 bids before the auction ended with a price tag that could’ve been a house down payment.

To preserve this legendary snack, Cheetozard now rests inside a custom Pokémon-style card and a clear protective capsule. Let’s hope that keeps it from turning into an expensive pile of orange dust.

Even Cheetos themselves had to react, dropping a simple but perfect: “👀.”

Moral of the story? Next time you dig into a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos, keep an eye out. That oddly shaped chip might just be your ticket to viral fame—and a serious payday.


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