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Why Food Banks Are Serving Millions of More People Now Than During the Height of the Pandemic


“I don’t know if we’ve ever seen this happen before, where we have pushed a whole new group of people into poverty.” - Texas Tribune spoke to Libby Campbell, CEO of West Texas Food Bank.

I'm sure that got your attention! Today, we're talking about how the need for food assistance is greater now than it was at the height of the pandemic. Food prices continue to be on the rise in 2022, which leaves families struggling and unable to afford the groceries they need on a weekly basis. The impact has had a rolling effect on food banks struggling to keep up with the greater demand.

The latest Consumer Price Index, which tracks rates of inflation for the cost of goods, found that groceries have had 9 straight months of increases in 2022, adding up to an overall 13% price jump since September 2021!

Food Drive via Feeding America's Instagram

Curious which food group has been most impacted? Grain Products and cereals have gone up 16.2% since this time last year. Why? Largely due to the ongoing war in Ukraine affecting wheat production, as Ukraine and Russia make up 30% of the global supply, according to Forbes.

Shelf-stable items like cereal are one of the biggest grabs at food banks, which has also put added pressure on local food pantries to keep up.

According to nonprofit Feeding America, which supports a national network of food banks, there are 34 million people in the U.S facing food insecurity, including 9 million children. In August 2022, Feeding America reported a survey which found 65% of their member food banks seeing a sharp increase in people seeking food assistance, and 90% seeking steady demand due to the spikes in food costs.

Inflation is truly devastating to the budgets of many families, seniors, and overall people just barely getting by, therefore driving more and more of them to food banks and pantries.

Don't be discouraged reading all of this disheartening information, you can help by donating! Visit Feeding America's donation page here and help make a difference in someone's life. It's that time of year where the holidays just keep on coming, share the gift of giving and spread kindness!


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